Serving the needs of your customers and fellow employees should be high on your list. By Tom Dossenbach
My job is ______________________ The question posed in the title of this month's column seems quite simple at first glance, but actually demands more serious reflection than most are willing to give. After all, we know what business we are in and what our jobs are. Most of us can easily recite what we do without hesitation. Maybe we don't quote the company's mission statement as it appears in the annual report, but we know how to describe what our company does. It's pretty much the same with our jobs. Job descriptions are necessary to define our responsibilities and those of our colleagues so that individually and collectively the vital functions of every member of the team support the goals and objectives of the company. Herein lies an area in which many companies fail: Many wood products companies have never clearly defined their overriding goals and objectives in such a manner that all employee associates understand them. More critically, members of a company seldom understand how these goals relate to their own specific areas of responsibility. Importance of Company Core Values As stated in that earlier writing, the core spirit is set through the attitudes and beliefs of the top six or eight managers in a company. What they think, say and do become an integral part of the core values of the company and every individual in it. Thus, it is important for the leadership of a company to have a common vision and the dedicated mission to see that vision manifested through the efforts of every employee of the company. In our wood products industries today, competition has become more complex and fierce with the rapid globalization that has taken place during the past five years. Companies must distinguish themselves from the competition, whether it is across town or across the Pacific. One important way is to do this through its core values. The Lost Focus Those who rely on the cost/price strategy too heavily risk losing the most critical and essential point of focus for the company - the customer. One of the most powerful competitive strategies is to transform the company into one where its core values truly affirm that the customer comes first. The degree of overall customer satisfaction and resulting loyalty is what makes a company successful -not just its products, costs or prices. Any company of any size that manufactures its products in North America would do well to implement a customer-first core value as the foundation of its competitive strategy. The building blocks of a successful company must include a quality product that is value priced to generate a fair level of profitability, but must be supported by superior service as its cornerstone. Company or Customer First? Dedication to the customer is as essential as dedication to the company. Where would any company be without those it serves? What is good for the customer is good for the company. If the customer takes second place in the decision-making process, where will that eventually take the company? Actually, if a conflict ever arises in choosing whether to put the company or the customer first, there is a serious flaw in the core values of the company. Servanthood as a Core Value This attitude would manifest itself in many different ways, including: It takes many different skills applied in a woodworking plant to produce a product that is acceptable in the marketplace. If it were necessary to combine all of these skills into one job title, I would choose "Customer Representa- tive." Having an attitude of dedication and service to the customer transforms a company from ordinary to excellent and one to be reckoned with - globally. So, is your answer to the opening question like any of these responses? - My job is to represent (or please) our customers by drying our lumber uniformly to 6-8% EMC with no defects. Do you get the point? What Made Marriott Great It was as simple as finding out that business travelers wanted easy access to electrical outlets for their laptop computers and re-designing rooms and furniture to provide customers this service. There is a multitude of other little things that when added up, make for a significantly better customer experience. The product was not the distinguishing characteristic that set Marriott above its competition. It was the dedication to serving the customer and making this the foundation of its core spirit. Putting the customer first is what made this company great. Ask any Marriott manager, "Who should come first, the company or the customer?" You can guess the answer. Distinguishing yourself from competition is critical in our industry. Genuine dedication to the customer - if manifested throughout your company - can be a powerful competitive advantage. Most of your competition will not put this 'theory' into practice by developing a core spirit of service to the customer as J.W. Marriott did almost 40 years ago. You know the needs of your market and customers better than any overseas competitor because you are closer to them. Capitalize on this advantage.
What Is Your Job Responsibility?
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