Based in Quebec, JM Champeau manufactures quality dimension wood components with the use of optimized ripping equipment and integration from the log to the part.
Champeau is integrated from the log to the part, ensuring fiber quality and consistency. Sales Manager Eric Paradis says the company has the ability to turn orders rapidly and to deliver mix orders with different types of dimension and squares.
“We deliver just in time,” he says. “We have the competencies to follow tight specifications. We are the only link between a standing tree and the specified part required. We control fiber, sawing patterns, drying and finishing.”
The company uses a double taper sawing technology with optimizers at all stations, which allows cutting along the woodgrain for maximum quality. “We are at the cutting edge of technology,” says Paradis. “The next step is a 3-D scanner with color vision, to come this summer, at the edger.”
For drying, the company uses both traditional kilns and vacuum drying equipment. “Vacuum drying allows us to dry whiter,” says Paradis. “The absence of oxygen in the process limits the oxidation of the wood. It also allows us to turn smaller batches quicker.”
Champeau also offers face gluing, butcher block construction, high quality moulded parts, dowelling, sanding, assembly of special products and tenoning.
Paradis says he does not see the company veering from component manufacturing into finished products. “We are experts at producing parts, blanks and material to end users,” he says. “The marketing approach of selling a finished product is completely different than selling components. We want to stay focused on what we do best.”
Editor's Note: This article has been excerpted from an earlier issue of Wood & Wood Products. To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Tradition Meets Wood Ripping Technology
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