ST. CLAIR, Mich. - According to Kebony USA sales manager, Andy Hehl, Kebony's Clear Radiata Pine and Southern Yellow Pine decking products have received International Code Council certification.
Kebony’s product information, test reports, calculations, quality control methods, and other factors were thoroughly examined by ICC-ES to ensure code compliance. Clear decking in 22mm and 38mm thickness passed testing for preservative-treated wood, structural integrity, and decay-resistance and comply with both IRC and IBC codes.
Building officials, architects, contractors, specifiers, designers, and others utilize ICC-ES evaluation reports to provide a basis for using or approving products in construction projects under the International Code Council name.
“It was extremely important to us that we achieve ICC certification for our decking products,” said Hehl. “The codes benefit public safety and support the industry’s need for one set of standards without regional limitations, which, as we expand in North America, is crucial for Kebony.”
Kebony Clear is modified with a bio-based liquid that, after it is cured, provides a combination of durability and dimensional stability. The patented process results in wood cell walls that Kebony says are more thick and rigid than many rival tropical hardwoods.
Kebony has received numerous awards for its environmentally friendly technology and innovation, including its naming as a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and a Global Cleantech 100 company.
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