Video: How a tree would play piano
Expert woodworker, woodturner, and YouTuber Frank Howarth's latest video is his most unique yet. But you'll have to wait until the end to find out why.
"We had a tree next to our house taken out a few years ago," says Howarth. "I milled the wood up into slabs. It's now dry and ready to be used. It is soft pine and I thought for a long time about what I could make with it. I cut the top slab into smaller pieces on my big bandsaw. Then I made an instrument to help in playing the piano."
Howarth's videos are popular on Woodworking Network. He's the creator of the bamboo Death Star and turner of the wooden eyeball. Take a tour of the finished woodshop here.
In honor of Star Wars Day (May 4 - May the Fourth be with you), Howarth constructed a wooden Death Star – and filmed the process in timelapse.
Howarth built the bamboo death star using a CNC, a lathe, and conventional equipment - filming the entire process in timelapse.
He also turned a wooden eyeball from maple, cherry, birch, walnut, and ebony; and turned a segmented walnut & redheart bowl. And he built a motor mount for his surface sander. Check out his projects.



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About the author
Robert Dalheim

Robert Dalheim is an editor at the Woodworking Network. Along with publishing online news articles, he writes feature stories for the FDMC print publication. He can be reached at [email protected].