Environmental Sustainability

Canadian News

ChopValue celebrates repurposing 150 million chopsticks

VANCOUVER, British Columbia – ChopValue, a franchise model built on using recycled chopsticks to make furniture and other décor products, recently announced that it surpassed the recycling of 150 million chopsticks.The company estimated that the world-wide recycling effort translates into eliminating 7,302,600 kg CO2e from being emitted to the atmosphere.

Woodworking Industry News

The weird and wonderful world of wood: wooden credit cards?

Wood is apart of just about every aspect of our lives. It warms us, shelters us, helps cook our food, and the surface on which we eat that food. It is being used in space, medicine, glass and even more. It even can help pay our bills, and not just for those in the primary and secondary wood industry.In the last couple of years, wood has become a source material for credit and debit cards.