Some frequently asked questions about saw blades and the cutting of wood and other materials.
Q While ripping, I experience burning of the material. Why?
A There are four main reasons: 1) your saw is improperly aligned with the fence; 2) the blade may be heeling; 3) the blade may need sharpening; or 4) the stock may have shifted off axis during the cut. Tune the tool, have the blade sharpened or replaced, and use a feather board. Feed at a uniform rate. It is suggested you use a 50-tooth combination blade for excellent results on just about anything.
Q I’m getting blade vibration when my saw reaches maximum RPM. What is the cause?
A First check to see if the blade is mounted properly and the arbor and collars are clean. Second, check the arbor to make sure it is running true and its not bent. Also check your drive belt for slippage.
Q When cutting laminated panels, why does my material chip out at the end of the cut?
A This is generally caused by poor blade alignment to the fence. In some cases poor arbor and/or spindle bearings may be the cause. Also, it is helpful to have a close fitting throat plate so the material is supported on the bottom.
Q I noticed that my cut is wider than the blade kerf. Why?
A Check the alignment of the blade to the fence. Also, make sure the material is fed parallel to the blade.
Q Why does my laminated panel chip on the bottom of the sheet?
A Chipping the bottom is generally caused by poor blade selection for the application. These panels should be cut with a negative rake saw and tooth spacing should not been more than 3/8 of an inch.
Q Why does the blade cut clean on one side of the acrylic and not on the other?
A This problem is commonly caused by a problematic blade. Side clearance, blade dish, or improper tension are three primary reasons why this problem may occur while cutting.
Q When sawing acrylic, why do I get heavy kerf lines when the blade exits the cut?
A In most cases, poor blade alignment or SKEW, is the common cause for heavy kerf lines.
Q My blade seems to be cutting very heavy. Why is that?
A There are several reasons why you could be getting a heavy cut: 1) you are cutting with too many teeth; 2) your cutting speed is too slow; 3) your hook angle is incorrect; or 4) you are using a blunt saw blade.
Q I have broken the neck of a tooth. What causes this?
A Sounds like your blade is set too high. A good rule of thumb for blade height is to set your blade so that the primary blade gullets clear the top of the workpiece. With a sharp blade and well-tuned saw, there is minimal benefit to a high-set blade. It is also important to mention that a consistent feed rate speed for the hook angle will also help you avoid this problem.
Q I am getting a coating of resin on my blade. Why?
A Two main reasons for resin build up on a blade are: 1) the RPM is too high and it is creating heat between the blade and the material; or 2) you are using a blade with too many teeth for the application. The excess friction of a resin coated blade causes heat build-up and carbide breakdown, so it is important to keep your blade clean between uses.
Source: General Saw Corp. For more information, call 800-306-7297 or 239-574-2707, or visit
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