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Michaelle Bradford

Michaelle Bradford, CCI Media, is Editor of Closets & Organized Storage magazine and Woodworking Network editor. She has more than 20 years of experience covering the woodworking and design industry, including visits to custom cabinet shops, closet firms and design studios throughout North America. As Editor of Closets & Organized Storage magazine under the Woodworking Network brand, Michaelle’s responsibilities include writing, editing, and coordinating editorial content as well as managing annual design competitions like the Top Shelf Design Awards. She is also a contributor to FDMC and other Woodworking Network online and print media owned by CCI Media.


See what goes into making custom Baldhead garage cabinets

BEND, Ore. -- Baldhead Cabinet Company is full-service, family-owned company that designs and manufactures custom metal garage cabinets in Bend, Oregon. See what goes into building a Baldhead cabinet from start to finish and take a virtual tour of the shop.[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"81602","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]