One is a winner. One is a “not winner”. That’s according to Ellen Degeneres in the season finale of her furniture design show on HGTV.
And while this show was positioned as a reality show that could expand the awareness of furniture design, it also did something else EXTREMELY valuable. It exposed the general public to the intricacies and challenges of designing custom furniture and cabinetry. And each designer had a carpenter as part of the team ( a key evolution in the process of increasing awareness of what’s involved in woodworking.)
Most people look at things and think “Oh how simple. I can do that. Or I’ll get a price. It shouldn’t cost much”. But they do this with no awareness of what is involved in the conception, designing, engineering and building of custom furniture.
So if you haven’t seen this show, search HGTV and see if you can catch it. You’ll get some great “aha’s” that you can share with clients about your process of building cabinetry and closets.
And the show had quite the ethical twist at the end. They announced the winner and I totally agreed with their choice. Tim did an awesome job throughout each challenge and clearly has the chops to be a rock star furniture designer.
Then they found a similar piece of furniture that already existed, so they disqualified him and named the runner up the winner a month later. Watch for this young prodigy as she creates unusual combinations and modern twists on custom storage solutions.
And if you would like to learn some new twists on closets in the custom storage niche’, I’d love to have you join my “Closet Design 101” course. It includes live coaching in between each digital, on demand session. So you can ask your own specific design questions and I’ll answer them just as they relate to you. It’s the best opportunity to really have access to my deep closet brain and shallow-shelved humor. I love teaching and being able to help people in individual scenarios. I know you’d get a closet load of benefit from participating.
Denise Butchko is a design and marketing expert who teaches these concepts with the intention of helping people grow their businesses. See her speak at the 2015 Cabinets & Closets Conference & Expo.
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