East Earl, PA – Conestoga Wood Specialties, a leading producer of custom cabinet components, now offers floating shelves. These sleek and versatile designs continue to gain popularity well beyond the kitchen, and their minimalistic design allows them to be easily incorporated into any area of the home.
Floating shelves from Conestoga offer a simple way to integrate a modern flair to a classic wood design. The units provide a clean line of storage to display family photos as well any other treasured home accessories. Conestoga’s floating shelves feature a strong and sturdy mounting bracket, that when installed, is concealed by an attractive outer casing that simply slides over the bracket. Each shelving unit is available in cherry, hard maple, paint grade hard maple and red oak, finished or unfinished in Conestoga’s complete array of wiping stains, Truetones, Colourtones and Prism Paints.

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