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Solid Wood Edgebanding Press

Hoffmann introduces the MOBIL solid wood Edgebanding Press, designed to quickly and precisely attach solid wood edges to panels made of MDF, particleboard, plywood and more, says the company. The machines are equipped with two heating elements and two (MOBIL 2500) or three (MOBIL 3000) pneumatic clamping stations. Standard white or yellow PVA glue is used in combination with heating elements to attach up to 2” thick and up to 4” tall solid wood edges without the need for special glue, splines or additional fasteners. Glue bond strong enough to remove the panel from the press is achieved in about one minute on 1” thick wood edges; less time is needed for thinner stock. Solid wood edges with square joints as well miter joints are located precisely with an adjustable miter stop, adds Hoffmann.  The tilting frame design offers easier handling of larger panels with a horizontal operation and the heavy, solid welded steel and clamping stations on ball bearings assure long-term accuracy, says the company.



(866) 248-0100                      


