BBB gives Tucson cabinet firm 'F' rating
TUCSON, AZ - A mounting number of consumer complaints against Under Budget Cabinets has led the Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona to give the Tucson company an "F" rating.

alleging the business failed to make good on several customer orders.

BBB said it has received 14 complaints against the company in 2010, two have been left unanswered, and four complaints are still pending.

Although UBC has resolved the majority of their complaints, a pattern has emerged in complaint content. In the complaints consumers tell the same story: UBC billed them for thousands of dollars worth of cabinets, but when the installation date came around UBC claimed the cabinets were not ready, and in many cases consumers say UBC had not even placed orders for cabinets that had been paid for months in advance. “

On May 11, BBB learned that UBC’s Registrar of Contractors (ROC) License was suspended on March 29, four days before BBB met with the company. At the time of the meeting UBC did not disclose to BBB that their ROC license was suspended. The Registrar of Contractors is also reporting that UBC has five open complaints against its suspended license.

Read Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona's press release.

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