The latest version of MillVision and Labeler from Weinig Holz-Her are two software programs reimagined for the Weinig Manufacturing Automation Platform Suite (MAP Suite).
MillVision reduces human error by organizing the customer's uploaded data and predetermining workflow on integrated Weinig Holz-Her machinery. It eliminates operator interference and applies job parameters designed to simultaneously increase production yield and decrease production time.
MillVision and Labeler integrate with rip and cross-cut saws, work with LuxScan technology, and relieve production stressors by keeping output organized.
Instead of manually measuring and eyeballing to identify components, MillVision and Labeler helps customers select their jobs, identify dimensions, print labels at the machine, and illustrate where to fix the label to the panel.
Labeler provides relief because it keeps a real-time head count for all components. It helps identify individual parts, assists in organizing by cart and slotting, creates a unique id and cart number, and prints labels with unique identifiers to adhere to components.