We are pleased to introduce the IWT-MOLDRUP-SSP (Superheated Steam under Pressure), the most flexible and economical Thermo treatment plants on earth, are now available in North America
The advantages of Thermal treated wood:
* Increased dimensional stability (30 â 50% improvement)
* Protection of wood against rot and fungi to risk classes 2, 3 & 4 (exterior cladding, decking, fencing)
* Coloring the wood to a pleasant uniform brown appearance
* Removing color defects from wood
* Lowering the equilibrium moisture content
* Fantastic for Window Frames, Interior flooring, siding among others
The IWT Plant advantages:
* More manageable load sizes - per charge 4 â 8 m3.
* Flexible annual capacities ~ 2.000 â 4.000 m3
* Faster cycle times than traditional, methods ~ 8-15 hours Only
* Much less investment required
SOURCE: C.S. Industries LLC
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