To encourage maximum participation, we’ve extended the deadline to participate in the 2018 FDMC Pricing Survey. The deadline to return bids is now Monday, August 27.
The survey is the only industry tool to compare pricing for custom woodwork. Volunteer bidders price the same jobs based on identical bidding specifications and then the itemized bids are published in FDMC magazine and online at Woodworking Network. The result is a revealing portrait of where shops differ on pricing custom work.
This year’s survey includes four different kitchens, including one that was designed for a commercial office. There is also an urban residential built-in project.
You can instantly download the bid package with all instructions. Or you can email [email protected] or phone 203-512-5661 to request a bid package.
All bids must be returned by Monday, August 27, to be included in the survey results, which will be published in the October issue of FDMC magazine.
Maximum participation makes the survey a better tool for everyone, so don’t delay.
Have something to say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.