Martin Goebel of Goebel & Co. Furniture won in 2014 for his classic table featuring World War II surplus, aircraft-grade sugar pine. The base is created in solid 5”x5” walnut timbers, while a black toning of joinery was used to ‘low-light’ joinery detailing to silhouette major connections.
Dylan Horst won in 2015 for his undulating ash and benge Wave table. Dylan built the Wave table as the capstone project during his recently completed two-year certificate program at Conestoga College in Ontario.
Mark Welle's Executive Ivory was one of our all-time favorites.
"The heart of my inspiration is rooted in the hard maple legs which emulate elephant tusks. The curvature of the legs are a landmark which all other aspects manifest from. The top features a solid Mozambique wrap with a camphor burl, figured maple, and fumed larch marquetry veneer pattern. The fumed larch is also used on all of the curved side panels."
Jon Miller's beautiful spiral harp made out of Indian Rosewood (Sissoo) and a curly maple graduated bridge to make it all work.
Pittsburg State's Kort McDonough nominated a project that he and 11 other students completed in their Production Techniques Class. Over a 15-week period, they designed and built 13 of these entertainment centers. Each student was given a role representative of a modern woodshop.
2018 finalist Artur Hyc designed and created this baby grand piano crib. "It's perfect for next big artist," he said.
And finally 2018's winner:
27-year-old woodworker Nathan Deal won the 2018 Young Wood Pro contest for his 17-foot Great Auk Kayak. Deal, who operates Against the Grains Art in Norman, Oklahoma, said the 17-foot-long Great Auk Kayak he entered in the contest was the first boat he’d ever built. But it turned out spectacularly with western red cedar strips accented by curly maple.

How to Enter #youngwoodpro

Robert Dalheim is an editor at the Woodworking Network. Along with publishing online news articles, he writes feature stories for the FDMC print publication. He can be reached at [email protected].
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