Video: Custom woodworker's tank doubles as a lawn mower

MILLERSBURG, Oregon – “The COVID Killer.” That’s what Jason Hibbs, owner of Bourbon Moth Woodworking calls the wooden tank he crafted that uses his riding mower as the chassis.

Perhaps the moniker choice was Hibbs’ way of trying to get even as the coronavirus has killed a fair amount of his custom furniture business.

The COVID Killer includes a top hatch and a PVC gun barrel that Hibbs claims can launch potatoes 200 yards. And yes, the tank can still cut the grass.

Watch Hibbs transform his lawn mower into a tank in the accompanying video. A longer, 15-minute video is also available.


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Rich Christianson | President/Owner/C-Level

Rich Christianson is the owner of Richson Media LLC, a Chicago-based communications firm focused on the industrial woodworking sector. Rich is the former long-time editorial director and associate publisher of Woodworking Network. During his nearly 35-year career, Rich has toured more than 250 woodworking operations throughout North America, Europe and Asia and has written extensively on woodworking technology, design and supply trends. He has also directed and promoted dozens of woodworking trade shows, conferences and seminars including the Cabinets & Closets Conference & Expo and the Woodworking Machinery & Supply Conference & Expo, Canada’s largest woodworking show.