If you are doing something positive in your manufacturing process or your final product, don’t be afraid to talk about it.
If your company is doing something that could help sell your cabinets, millwork or furniture, don’t keep it a secret.
I’ve given this example in the past. Let’s say a young couple moves into your town. They have just bought a house. They want to remodel the kitchen but won’t be able to for a year or so.
They see a news story online or in a local newspaper about your company. You have reduced waste in some way, added a new type of finish, or are using new eco-friendly panels. This couple isn’t buying cabinets today, but when they start looking they will remember your company and will want to talk to you.
What are some of the things you can publicize?
--Your company is using certified lumber
--You have switched to water-based finishing
--The company has reduced the amount of offal going into landfills, or has found an alternate use for it.
--You have made your heating system more efficient, or installed energy-saving lighting in your shop.
--There is new equipment in the shop that uses less energy or achieves a higher rate of material usage.
--Employees have been trained in more efficient use of resources.
Again, you are talking about something that you are already doing. It could be shared on social media, on your own website, or in local internet or news sources. If you write a press release, it doesn’t have to cost anything.
We’ll talk about what some specific companies have done in the future. How have you helped promote your company’s eco-credentials?
Have something to say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.