ZEELAND, MI -- Herman Miller Inc., a manufacturer of office and healthcare furniture, has garnered its seventh consecutive placement on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, an international stock portfolio that evaluates the annual performance of the world's largest 2,500 companies using economic, environmental, and social criteria, known as the "triple bottom line" of sustainability.
Herman Miller is one of approximately 300 companies worldwide, and the only contract office furniture manufacturer, selected for the DJSI World. Eight new U.S. based companies joned the list, including Heinz, Morgan Stanley and Campbell Soup.
Read Herman Miller's press release.
Herman Miller is one of approximately 300 companies worldwide, and the only contract office furniture manufacturer, selected for the DJSI World. Eight new U.S. based companies joned the list, including Heinz, Morgan Stanley and Campbell Soup.
Read Herman Miller's press release.
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