Commerce, CA – The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America® (WMMA®), a trade association of U.S. manufacturers of woodworking machinery, cutting tools, and supplies, today announced the availability of American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard, Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machinery Safety Requirements, O1.1-2009. It revises O1.1-2004.
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee O1. The ANSI O1.1-2009 is an “umbrella” standard under which the committee is currently developing several machine-specific safety standards. The safety standard for fixed angle jump saws has been completed and is available.
WMMA serves as the secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee O1 and together they comprise the consensus body which develops standards for the safe design, installation and use of woodworking and accessory equipment used in industrial and commercial applications, having a total connected power of 3.7kw (5hp) or greater, or having 3-phase wiring.
The committee membership consists of volunteer representatives from users, distributors, insurers, manufacturers, safety organizations, regulatory agencies and test laboratories. The committee meets twice annually for several days to develop standards. Persons interested in committee membership or those with suggestions for improvement of its standards are welcome.
The ANSI O1.1-2009 is available in electronic format from the ANSI eStandards Store.
SOURCE: Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee O1. The ANSI O1.1-2009 is an “umbrella” standard under which the committee is currently developing several machine-specific safety standards. The safety standard for fixed angle jump saws has been completed and is available.
WMMA serves as the secretariat of the Accredited Standards Committee O1 and together they comprise the consensus body which develops standards for the safe design, installation and use of woodworking and accessory equipment used in industrial and commercial applications, having a total connected power of 3.7kw (5hp) or greater, or having 3-phase wiring.
The committee membership consists of volunteer representatives from users, distributors, insurers, manufacturers, safety organizations, regulatory agencies and test laboratories. The committee meets twice annually for several days to develop standards. Persons interested in committee membership or those with suggestions for improvement of its standards are welcome.
The ANSI O1.1-2009 is available in electronic format from the ANSI eStandards Store.
SOURCE: Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America
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