Grain Surfboards has locked down the dates for their biggest event of the year- The 2nd Annual Surf Re-Evoultion. Stretched into a two-day festival this year, September 8th and 9th, Grain will be opening up their headquarters and local beach to a many new exhibitors and special guests.
"After last year's success, we couldn't have stopped there," states Tyler Briggs, event manager and curator for Grain. "We have added in some new elements, stretched the celebrations and hands-on fun throughout the whole weekend, and stayed true to the center of what this is all about- the re-evolution of the surfing industry. We are really trying to create a new and creative platform for this"
Saturday, September 8th, located at Grain's headquarters in York, Maine will be filled with film, local food, a gallery show in the barn with over 20 artists who each have created an original piece of work on an off-cut from Grain's shop floor, live music, and a very unique panel of guests sharing their thoughts and knowledge on innovation, sustainability and the craft of surfboard design. Staying true to last year, Grain will close Saturday night with a bonfire in the fields of the farm.
Following Saturday's festivities, on Sunday Sepetmeber 9th, the celebration will move to Long Sands Beach for an all day beach demo allowing everyone to experience the re-evolution first hand- in the water. Sunday will be closed out by a concert to say thank you to everyone at the Inn on the Blues.
2012 Confirmed Attendees:
Entropy Bio-Epoxy
Greenlines Recycled Board Shorts
Sustainable Surf
Merchants Row
Jon Wegener
Randy Budd
Jimbos Wax
Crooked Blanks
Ceto Surf
Grain will be realeasing the full line-up as well as tickets in the next week.
Grain is also offering a way to "super-size" attendees re-evolutionary experience by offering a two-day paipo class with Jon Wegener. The class, taught by legendary finless pioneer Jon Wegener and the crew from Grain Surfboards, allows students to build their own paipo using local natural materials. Paipos have been around for thousands of years and provide huge fun in a small package. The two-day class is scheduled for the two days leading up to the event, September 6th and 7th, giving attendees the ability to shape and finish their own paipo and have it to enjoy the weekends' festivities.
Source: Grain Surfboards
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