Blum's Interzum Donation to Social Projects for the Last 30 Years
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Dr. Tiluhan examining a patient at the hospital in Quiha, Ethiopia
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Children in Tigray, Ethiopia waiting for an eye examination

Hoechst, Austria – Visitors to Blum’s booth at interzum have been forgoing their fair gifts and supporting social projects for the last 30 years. This year’s interzum donation again went to “Light for the World”. The money will be used to finance eye operations for people in the poor regions of the world.

Fair gifts have a great tradition for Austrian fittings manufacturer Blum – but not in the conventional sense, for instead of handing out gifts Blum has supported social projects for the last 30 years. Visitors to interzum 2015 in Cologne were again asked to forgo their gifts and instead sign the visitors’ book at Blum’s booth. Blum donated 15 euros per signature to a good cause. The donation again went to “Light for the World”, an Austrian organisation that operates on an international scale to help people with eye disease, the blind and people with other handicaps in the poor regions of the world.

3 signatures for an eye operation

Every five seconds, a person goes blind in the Third World; every minute a child. About 50 percent of blindness all over the world is caused by cataract. A 15-minute operation (which costs 30 euros) suffices to replace the clouded lens with an artificial one, restoring people’s eyesight. “Light for the World” carried out 50,790 cataract operations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and South-East Europe last year. These operations restored the eyesight of people who would otherwise be blind for the rest of their lives. Blum has supported “Light for the World” for many years. It has always been important to the fittings manufacturer that the donation is mainly used to help the weakest members of society: children and the elderly. Thanks go in particular to the fair visitors for forgoing their gifts.

Source: Blum

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