2014 was an exciting year for many in the construction industry. Architects are hiring again, contractors are more optimistic, developers are taking risks, and manufacturers are investing for the future. But there are many challenges for us. Here are a few of the things I have learned in 2014.
Make Hay While the Sun Shines
Although the construction industry is far from achieving a high-growth phase, we have been steadily moving forward. Housing starts are slowly recovering and employment in the sector has made steady gains. Although these statistics do not indicate a boom year for the industry, don’t miss out on the opportunities that 2015 will bring by staying in that familiar hunkered-down posture of the last seven years.
Don’t Count on the Government
Maybe I have become jaded over the decades, but I have come to the conclusion that you cannot run a business based upon what may happen in the State or Federal government. Whether government waste, OSHA regulations, rising healthcare costs or investment tax breaks for businesses, these days I just sit back and see what craziness comes from Washington. I’ve found that a good strategy is to take the lumps when lumps are served and take the money and run when the wind blows your way.
Good People are Harder to Find
The industry is going to have to work harder at finding people willing and able to work. In addition to spending more effort to sift through the rank and file, we are going to have to be willing to pay more for people who want to work and learn the trade.
Invest in Yourself
Wealth is not to be found in the next lottery ticket. Break this trend by becoming a personal change agent. Take the individual responsibility to engage yourself in personal improvement and you will see the world change around you.
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