WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Crows Nest Software, developer of ERP/project management software specifically for custom woodworking contractors, plans to show the latest enhancements and additions to its comprehensive and fully functional digital platform at Wood Pro Expo Florida, co-located with the Closets Conference & Expo June 8-10, 2021 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.
Some of the many new features Crows Nest said it will demonstrate at booth #312 are found in estimating, scheduling, task management, RFQ processing, progress billing and inventory.
- Estimating markup may now be controlled in multiple levels, such as overall labor and material markup, and or grouping by grouping markup or individual markups on an item by item bases.
- Crows Nest’s flexible parametric estimating capability has also been enhanced through the offering of additional user defined field types.
- Shop tasks across all projects may now be scheduled in their entirety, resulting in an impact on the overall schedule from an individual work order change within any project. Scheduling of machinery and human resource availability on hourly increments are also taken into consideration. Scheduling may be prioritized by each work order’s due date or by an assigned priority value. RE differing calendars of availability are offered.
Task management:
- Task management has been enhanced with predecessors, needed for Crows Nest’s enhanced scheduling. Task budget hours fed from Crow’s Nest estimating form the basis of each task duration. Crows Nest’s labor tracking feature updates each task’s “remaining hours” that are subsequently passed to the enhanced scheduling for real-time scheduling.
RFQ processing:
- RFQ processing is now directly associated with an estimate for trackability of pricing.
Progress billing G702 and G703 reporting:
- AIA Style G702 and G703 progress billing reports are now available.
Inventory/bar coding:
- Inventory on-hand quantity may now be updated via custom bar-coded labels.
Learn more about Crows Nest software at crowsnestsoftware.com.
About the Closets Conference & Expo and Wood Pro Expo Florida
The Closets Conference & Expo (Closets Con) is the annual national event for closet and home storage professionals. It is co-located with Wood Pro Expo Florida (WPE), a regional marketplace for woodworking professionals. The events are organized by Closets & Organized Storage and FDMC magazines respectively, each part of Woodworking Network. The twin-billing event is scheduled for June 8-10, 2021, at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Palm Beach, Fla.
Closets Con and WPE both lead off with a separate full-day conference on June 8, followed by the two-day expo, June 9-10, featuring woodworking machinery and supplies. Additional educational programming is offered on both days of the expo. Tours of local manufacturing plants and the popular Top Shelf Design Awards networking reception are also key components of the event.
For information about exhibiting, and sponsorship opportunities, contact Laurel Didier, publisher of Closets & Home Storage. For inquiries about WPE, contact Harry Urban, publisher of Woodworking Network.
Additional Woodworking Network events
Wood Pro Expo Lancaster, Oct.14-15, 2021, Warehouse at the Nook, Lancaster County, Pa. -- Annual woodworking trade show and conference
Executive Briefing Conference (EBC) Sept. 8-10, 2021, The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colo. -- Annual forecast of economic, technology and design trends for the North American woodworking industry.
Woodworking Machinery & Supply Conference & Expo (WMS), Nov. 4-6, 2021, International Centre, MIssissauga, Ontario -- Canada's national woodworking show.
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