CWB June 2011
In This Issue
Residential Cabinetry: Tiered, Tonal, Textured at KBIS 2011
The National Kitchen & Bath Association 2011 NKBA Design Competition, with nearly 500
entries, serves as a barometer of trends that will
affect everything in cabinetry - from design through raw materials
sourcing, to manufacturing techniques, even capital investment.
AWI Woodworking Industry Makeovers
A five-hour Amtrak trip from Chicago brought me to a heart of custom wood industry change: the Architectural Woodwork Institute’s professional development conference in St. Louis. AWI’s May event spoke volumes of how woodworking businesses are positioning themselves for changing client demands — by becoming better businesses.
Simplified Cabinetry Hinge Boring
A pneumatic cabinetry door hinge press simplifies boring jobs.
Wood Components for Cabinetry
Doors are the most frequently sourced wood component, and cabinets are a top application.
Woodworking Award Redesign: CWB Design Portfolio
CWB developed a brand new look for its annual awards plaque, with help from Blue Ribbon Trophy LaserWerks, Orange, CA and Laguna Tools.
How Builder's Cabinet Supply Reached New Markets
Long supplying builders and developers, Builder’s Cabinet Supply targets designers, architects, remodelers and even some end users.
Wiring the Woodwork
Blending electronics and cabinetry is well established in the entertainment center, though clients are getting fussier about hiding wiring. For home offices, wireless Internet connections reduce the need to hide cables.
AWFS Fair 2011 Show Planner
Coverage in the AWFS Show Planner includes a look at the awards programs, seminar information and an exhibitors’ list.