The Achilles Heel of edgebander machines is the glue pot. The first step is to make standard adjustments to your machine as specified by the manufacturer so your glue pot is set up properly. Here are a few other pointers that will help you to keep your glue applicator in good working condition between rebuilds.
Maintain the proper temperature of the glue according to the glue manufacturers’ recommendations. Turn the temperature down to about 140 degrees Celsius if you are not going to run production for more than an hour. Gently scrape away any crusted glue that you can easily access without it falling down into the glue pot basin.
Follow machine manufacturer lubrication and maintenance guidelines. Make sure to use high-temperature grease 400+ degrees Fahrenheit. When your initial glue heat-up time lengthens significantly, or your evenness and adjustability of glue spread deteriorates, it’s time for a rebuild.
Bad gluing on panels affects band adhesion. Too much or too little glue will interfere with proper working of your machine’s other components and ultimately the product quality.
If you run production greater than 20 hours/week, consider a backup glue pot ready to put on the machine while your primary is being rebuilt.
Source: Brian Buck, Diamond Glue Pot Rebuilds. For information call 910-660-9497 or visit
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