WWP November 2011
In This Issue
Currency Manipulation Bill: Where Do You Stand?
By almost a 2:1 margin, a bipartisan group of senators last month passed the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011, legislation which should crack down on China’s artificial under-valuation of its currency and level the playing field for U.S. importers and exporters. As of this writing, the measure must still go before the House, where support is mixed.
Canadian Woodworking Industry Rallies at WMS in Toronto
The just-concluded Woodworking Machinery & Supply Expo (WMS) provides the freshest evidence of how much better the Canadian economy is compared to that of its southern neighbor.
Creative Growth Strategy: Downturn's Upside
Moving Business Ahead: This launches an online series exploring the business tactics of wood industry suppliers as they prepare for the next wave of corporate expansion.
CNC Machining Center Technology Moving Forward
Industry experts share their views about what’s ahead for these production workhorses.
WMS Expo Displays Strong Showing
The 2011 Woodworking Machinery & Supply Expo featured 125 exhibitors along with an extensive conference program.
Lodgepole Pine: A True Wood Bugaboo
Hard hit by beetle infestation, lodgepole pines “feel the stain.”
Woodworking Technology on Tour
Wood component manufacturers get a firsthand look at solid wood processing technology at six Indiana and Kentucky facilities.
DIRTT MDF Modular Walls Look Clean, Are Green
DIRTT Environmental Solutions has earned recognition for its sustainable
modular MDF wall panels.
VT’s Lean, Sustainable Door Manufacturing
Based in Holstein, IA, VT Industries is one of the largest North American manufacturers of architectural wood doors.
Reader Service W&WP November 2011
Websites and phone numbers for advertisers in the November 2011 issue of Wood & Wood Products.