ligna 2015


Schelling: Single Production Run Saw Shown at LIGNA 2015

The response couldn't be more clear: In countless conversations and presentations at the Schelling industry booth at LIGNA, experts were convinced by this innovative saw concept for single production run manufacturing. And they ordered the product, too. Schelling was also able to display attractive feed solutions in the production hall, which also met with a great response from the expert audience.

Event Coverage

LIGNA 2015: Batch One Technology for Wood Industry 4.0

Reports on LIGNA 2015 technology continue at Woodworking Network . We'll continue to add videos, slideshows and stories as they are completed.Automated production for any size plant became a reality at LIGNA 2015. The 96,000 visitors Itouring 1,500 techology and tooling exhibits at last month’s big German show saw a torrent of new developments. Visitors also witnessed equipment running more reliably, and faster and, even more importantly, getting easier to run well.