Vectric Ltd. announces the launch of Aspire 8.0 design and CNC-machining software program, featuring enhancements and new features for the drawing tools, 3D modeling functions and toolpath creation. Vector Texture is a design tool designed to generate patterns for wave based textured wall panels or to create easy-to-machine “grain” backgrounds for sign making, says the company. Aspire V8 has the ability to edit objects directly in the 3D view. Improvements to sculpting and smoothing for 3D shapes and a shadow shading option are also included plus an additional 150 3D models added to its Clip Art library. A new set of 100 software tutorial videos is included. There are additions to many of the toolpath strategies to increase flexibility and finish quality with options such as ‘Last Pass Allowance’ when profiling and ‘Pass Depth’ control when pocketing. The new ‘Merge Toolpaths’ function allows multiple machining operations to be combined into a single path, optimising time and allowing for individual parts to be removed from the machine as they are cut, adds the company. The new Setup Sheet option generates a summary of a project’s setup and toolpaths as a reference document that helps to reduce the chance of making a mistake when cutting the job. A free trial can be downloaded from Vectric.com.