From Seed to Finish: Timber Products' Difference

At Timber Products Company, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a commitment woven through every step of our manufacturing process. From seed to finish, each product is the result of thoughtful operations and experienced craftsmanship.

We plant approximately 350,000 trees every year on our 114,800 acres of company-owned and managed timberlands.

We believe that active management of timberlands is critical. We tend our forests to maximize timber growth over the long term and carefully monitor our inventory to ensure that we are growing more timber each year than we are harvesting. We use a comprehensive Environmental Management System to ensure that our practices protect soil and water quality and promote the viability of the wildlife communities that inhabit our forestland.


Our annual timber harvests are dispersed across our lands in order to maintain a mosaic of diverse timber types and ages within each watershed.

Each of our mills operate on the principle of sustainability. We use virtually 100% of the tree: cutting lumber, peeling veneers and using chips and sawdust to create composite panels. The bark is sold for landscape material and peeler cores are used to manufacture pallet stock. Any by-product left over is burned in our boilers to produce steam for our operations. Nothing goes to waste at Timber Products Company.

We use no-added formaldehyde (NAF) and ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) resins to reduce emissions, and meet the strictest regulations in the world.

To find out more about who we are, head over to our new website to learn more about our sustainable forestry and manufacturing practices!

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