WMMA Seeks Volunteers to Improve Safety Standards

PHILADELPHIA – The Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America’s ASC O1.1 Committee is currently developing standards for in-line ripsaws, gang ripsaws, shapers, edgebanders and CNC machining centers. The ANSI sub-committees draft the standards and the WMMA seeks individuals that use, design, manufacture, sell, distribute, install, repair or rebuild any of the above machines to participate in the drafting of new safety standards. Most of the work is done electronically or by telephone.

According to the WMMA, the goal of the sub-committees is to draft meaningful and comprehensive standards for the safety of specific machines. Participation on a committee will affect all aspects, including design, use and training, of future products in the woodworking industry.

To volunteer for a committee, contact the following sub-committee chairmen:

Gang Ripsaws – Max Green, (612) 708-8906, [email protected]
CNC Machining Center – Russ Gentry, (404) 463-3198, [email protected]
Shapers – Bill Pritchard (423) 884-6579, [email protected]
Straight Line Ripsaws – Jack Hyde, (636) 279-6202, [email protected]
Edgebander – Heinz Schmidt, (941) 240-2882, [email protected]

For further information, contact the ASC O1.1 Committee Chair, Michael L. Gililland at (636) 240-6095, [email protected] or Staff Liaison Karen Boyle at (215) 564-3484, [email protected].


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