WASHINGTON and OTTAWA, ON - The Sustainable Forestry Iniative Inc. (SFI) is reaching out to more than 10,000 stakeholders to help determine revisions of the SFI wood certificationn program, last updated in 2010.
Every five years SFI seeks input on how to update SFI's certification system. The process includes an independent review panel of state and federal agencies and conservation organizations, as well as several workshops for the stakeholders. The input will lay the groundwork for the SFI 2015-2019 standards.
“The SFI Standard is developed through an open and inclusive process involving the many different people who know and care about our forests including public and private landowners, forest sector representatives, indigenous communities, conservation groups, industry, academia and government officials,” said Kathy Abusow, SFI President & CEO. “This same diverse group of stakeholders represents the users of the SFI Standard who have achieved third-party certification to the SFI Standard on 240 million acres of forestland.”
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