Sawdust shortfall for biofuel forecast
IRVINE, CA - A shortfall of sawdust for wood pellets will drive use of alternatives for biofuel, predicts Viaspace Green Energy, Inc. The Irvine, CA,  grows a variety of grass, Giant King Grass, as a low-carbon fuel for electricity generating power plants

Viaspace cites a paper by Finland-based Poyry Management Consulting, which says that Europe will have a wood pellet shortfall of 2.15 million tons in 2015, while Asia will have a shortfall of 1.35 million tons. The Viaspace says it has formed a joiont venture with General Biofuels to produce fuel pellets from the Giant King Grass in the Dominican Republic.
"The vast majority of pellets sold today are made from sawdust and other wood waste from the lumber and pulp and paper industries," says Viaspace CEO Dr. Carl Kukkonen. "The demand for pellets is outstripping the supply of wood waste."  Dr. Kukkonen says his firm's grass is a more sustainable alternative, which grows to 13 feet and can be harvested within 26 weeks of planting.

"We expect that we will be able to deliver sustainably grown Giant King Grass energy pellets at a lower cost than wood waste pellets," says Dr. Kukkonen. "A new planting of trees takes between 4 and 20 years to harvest so the speed of growth and high yield of Giant King Grass are major competitive advantages."

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