5-Axis Milling: Next Level In Versatile Digital Fabrication
5-Axis Milling: Next Level In Versatile Digital Fabrication

5-Axis Milling: Next Level In Versatile Digital FabricationLondon - After over a year in development, 5AXISWORKS officially presents the first ever desktop 5-axis multi-fabrication CNC machine. This machine combines a range of fabrication methods, including 5axis CNC milling, which is considered the most advanced and fastest fabrication technology. 5AXISMAKER is a machine that is versatile enough to fabricate advanced design prototypes in a wide variety of readily available materials. Unprecedented to date, this is the first ever affordable 5axis multi-fabricator available on the market.

After a warm welcome on Kickstarter and achieving a funding goal in under two weeks company founders Fedor Gridnev and Elena Gaidar’ dream have finally come true. As designers they were inspired by 5-axis miling’s promise to produce advanced and complex design prototypes but were frustrated by the lack of affordable 5-axis CNC technologies available to individual designers. Being in their mid twenties and graduates of London’ Architectural Association they hope to shake manufacturing world with new ways of fabricating using industrial robots right at your desk.

Currently, most products, furniture or components of different machines in the world are all made via a milling process. 5AXISMAKER is the first of its kind, since it is a machine that can sit on your desktop with a large cutting volume for it’s size and has the ability to produce generously sized objects. Making is a part of the design process and this machine brings the advanced workshop to designers desks.



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