Partnership aims to visualize timber data

This collaboration between Acres and Forisk will further expand Acres' capacity to provide and visualize important information on U.S. timberland through its land valuation tool.

Photo By Acres

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Acres, a data-driven land research platform that supports informed decision making, is partnering with Forisk Consulting, the leader in analyzing timber markets and wood baskets, to visualize timber data for both companies’ clients.

This collaboration between Acres and Forisk will further expand Acres' capacity to provide and visualize important information on U.S. timberland through its powerful land valuation tool.

"We're thrilled to bring Forisk’s experience and data to the Acres platform to help more investors and managers in the timber industry. We care about helping the forest industry make better decisions, and we see this partnership with Acres as a great way to enhance that value," says Forisk President and CEO, Brooks Mendell.

Acres and Forisk's partnership creates deeper access to timberland insights for customers of both companies. The Forisk North American Forest Industry Capacity Database covers 55 states and provinces in both the US and Canada. With Acres, users can interact with nearly 2,000 wood-using mills nationwide to quickly view the mill type, status, current and historic owner information, capacity, and certifications. This data is key to understanding how much a mill can process and produce and the overall supply chain progress.

"Data-driven insights into timberland add up. If you don't see the whole picture of land you're buying or selling, you can't get the most out of your transaction. Our strategic partnership with Forisk Consulting is an immense opportunity to create a 3D image for people in the forest industry so they can continue to do the important work of driving the national timber supply chain,” said Mark Foley, director of timber Investments.

In conjunction with this release, Acres now provides users with access to the timber site index, a measure of forest productivity at a sub-parcel level. The timber site index data alongside Forisk timber mills and the intuitive geospatial interface of Acres make for a powerful combination of tools and data for the timber industry.


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About the author
Larry Adams | Editor

Larry Adams is a Chicago-based writer and editor who writes about how things get done. A former wire service and community newspaper reporter, Larry is an award-winning writer with more than three decades of experience. In addition to writing about woodworking, he has covered science, metrology, metalworking, industrial design, quality control, imaging, Swiss and micromanufacturing . He was previously a Tabbie Award winner for his coverage of nano-based coatings technology for the automotive industry. Larry volunteers for the historic preservation group, the Kalo Foundation/Ianelli Studios, and the science-based group, Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST).