OTTAWA -- Kitchen cabinet installers are an essential link in the delivery of kitchens to your clients. Costs for installers continue to increase as does the difficulty in finding suitable installers. CKCA is undertaking a survey to see what is happening across Canada and to identify the best methods for both hiring and pricing for installers.
The CKCA is conducting a survey to explore how companies are pricing installers. The survey is also aimed at discovering how cabinet manufacturers are dealing with the increased costs for installers and the challenge of finding good installers.
According to the CKCA participation is anonymous. While they ask for location, they do not require company names. Results of this survey will be shared for the purpose of providing a national perspective on the price of installers. It is expected there are many variables regionally, however, please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
COMPLETE SURVEY NOW. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to email or call: [email protected] or 613-493-5858.
Participate in CKCA's kitchen cabinet installer survey
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