3 ways to develop your brand
By Mike Foti
Let me guess it. Marie Kondo hasn’t called to help promote your business and make it an overnight branding success. 
And I’ll also bet Khloe Kardashian hasn’t lined you up to build a glamour closet for her 1,000 pairs of gold high-heeled shoes (which of course, she would film and post on her social media to get your brand rolling). 
This ‘creating a brand’ thing may seem like it’s only for big companies who work with celebrities. Or ‘creating a brand’ is only for those biz-school lead corporations who bring in fancy consultants to craft ‘vision and mission statements.’ 
However, what if I told you branding could be something more tangible? What if branding could help your entrepreneurial business grow and get more sales leads?
What if you killed the fancy marketing term ‘branding’ and repackaged it with the term having a ‘business personality.’ Becoming a company who does things (digitally or otherwise) which makes your business ‘remarkable’ (and memorable) the next time your best prospects are looking to spend their dough on a home organization project. 
I would argue one key strategy in today’s fast-paced world to grow your ‘brand’ (or business personality), and to do it in a way which won’t cause you to go broke, is to use digital marketing. 
I’ll show you 3 proven ideas to crank up your ‘digital marketing personality’ (‘er brand) so you’ll even be the envy of Marie Kondo and Khloe Kardashian (OK – maybe I’m exaggerating a bit here!). 
Idea #1 – Blogging – You don’t have to be Ernest Hemingway, but you do have to learn to write like you talk 
Blogging when done with discipline and personality allow you to share your point of view (POV) with people who may never have heard of your local closet or cabinetry business (especially if you’re smart with your SEO and add names of the city/suburbs in articles). 
You may wonder, “But Mike, what do I write about?” I’d write about cool jobs you’ve done and how you’ve made better spaces for your customers. I’d write about crappy jobs you’ve seen and what will make them live poorly. 
Provide valuable insights. In your articles include a ‘lead magnet’ (AKA a Free Guide) with more information so people will sign up and subscribe to get more of your amazing insights (this is also called creating ‘The List’ you’ll learn more about in Idea 3 below). 
Idea #2 – Live video – You gotta have guts 
People love real people. Authentic human beings. We don’t want pre-packaged impersonal ‘corporations’ who don’t have our back in the end anyway. 
One growing phenomenon in digital marketing today (which is authenticity personified) is to use live video. 
Take out your cell phone. Show how you’re installing a better closet system. Film an existing narrow closet and discuss ideas to redesign it so the homeowners won’t have to ‘fight through’ clothes just to find what they’re looking for. 
Push the video live to your Facebook channel. Create a ‘raw video’ for YouTube. 
You (and your brand) don’t need to be perfect. You (and your brand) will value from being real. 
Idea #3 – Email marketing – Because 98% of the people visiting your site aren’t buying now 
How many ‘digital tires’ do you kick and never end up buying anything? (I’ll be a lot). 
If you’re thinking about a big project how much digital research do you do (over years), before inviting someone out for an estimate or design consultation? What company(s) do you remember to call when you are ‘in the market’ to buy?
You need to stay in the consciousness of your prospect to be the company they remember. But how? You could advertise (and spend) like a drunken sailor to do it. However, if your budget is tight, I’ve got a better idea. 
You can build a ‘digital relationship’ (and become seen as the expert) in your niche by offering valuable content in your prospects email in-box. Not sure what this valuable content would look like? It’s like I mentioned in idea #1 (blogging). 
I’d recommend sharing tips about closet design. Share stories of difficult installation and design challenges you’ve solved (include your past customers in these stories with pictures of them, if they’re game). Share links to your live videos and cool ideas. 
Don’t slam the people on your list, week after week, with deals to buy now. You’ll be seen like the guy selling Ginsu knives on TV (not probably the ‘branding’ or personality you were going for). 
I hope you see how these 3 ideas help you create a ‘digital brand’ (or personality) your prospects will remember. Even more importantly, I hope these ideas help your business to stand out, so your prospects remember to call you first the next time they’re looking to buy a closet, garage or entryway organization system. 
I’m not a digital marketing consultant, but as an entrepreneur, I do enjoy helping other entrepreneurs. If you have questions – I’d love to help. Visit our storage and closet organization blog – Professionally Organized.
Mike Foti is the owner of Innovate Home ORG and Innovate Building Solutions.

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