The Kitchen Closet
Woodways' Innovative Approach to Cabinet Business

Overall cabinet sales may still be down, according to the KCMA, but a few trendy New Yorkers might spark a new niche in kitchen cabinet design. A recent New York Post article features a few New Yorkers who have found unique ways to store their clothing and accessories— in their kitchens.

New York is notorious for having small apartments with little to no storage space, but now cabinets, refrigerators and even ovens are being used to store sweaters, t-shirts and boots, etc. Obviously, for this idea to even remotely work, you have to be an avowed non-cook living in an urban area with 24-hour take/out and delivery service. One gentleman, a singer and Broadway producer featured in the article, said that he actually had his gas turned off so he wouldn’t “accidentally burn” his sweaters, which he keeps in his oven.

I would be surprised if I saw anything remotely promoting this new idea at K/BIS, which starts on Friday in Chicago, but you never know. Maybe some savvy New York cabinetmaker is already working on some commercial kitchen cabinet closet designs.

Photos are reposted from the New York Post article.


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