Herkules introduces its newest Paint Gun Washer, the FastTrack, Model #G45, designed to speed up the paint gun cleaning process anywhere in the shop. The FastTrack is inexpensive, lightweight, and 10 inches wide. It is designed to work with the Herkules Sparkle Clean Blast aerosol can cleaner to clean waterborne and solvent paints. Sparkle Clean Blast contains the same low VOC cleaning formula as the Herkules Sparkle Clean aerosol can cleaner, adds the company. Herkules says the FastTrack has no pump, so there is virtually no maintenance. It can be mounted anywhere in the shop, including prep stations, spray booths and mobile work stations. The compact system allows for extremely fast color changes, says Herkules, and it works well with disposable cup systems. It includes a 1 gallon container to catch any waste with an optional 5 gallon container available. The FastTrack is made in the USA. Sparkle Clean Blast offers 20 to 30 spray gun cleanings per Blast can. The Blast can is equipped with a special valve that hooks up to the FastTrack paint gun washer for effective release of the cleaner. The aersol can holds 13 oz. Sparkle Clean Blast is available in a 6 pack, part No. SCB-06 and is also made in the USA.