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Dust collection systems

To ensure a clean environment for its production of COVID-19 safety equipment, 3M in London Ontario installed an N.R. Murphy pulse jet/continuous clean dust collector.  A supplier of air-quality solutions for more than 75 years, N.R. Murphy offers equipment for every work environment, from mild hazards to enormous levels of dust. Its primary dust collection product lines include: the FB Series of cylindrical, tube-style filters with mechanical cleaning; HE Series of continuous-duty, automatic self-cleaning collectors; MK Series square or rectangular tube-style filters with mechanical cleaning for high-performance applications; and the C Series cartridge-type units for fine-dust applications that need large filter areas. The CMT and CMTE are inexpensive units for small applications; the CP is a continuous cleaner for larger tasks. N.R. Murphy also offers heavy-duty exhaust fans, filters & accessories.
