POTOMAC FALLS, Va. — The Architectural Woodwork Institute announced it will revise ANSI/AWI 0620-2018 for Finish Carpentry/Installation and open public comment and consensus voting on three proposed draft standards — AWI 0642: Wood Paneling; AWI 1235: Specialty Casework; and AWI 0622.0646: Millwork & Wood Trim.
As an American National Standards Institute-Accredited Standards Developer Organization, AWI is required by AWI/ANSI Policies and Procedures to update its published standards every five years. ANSI/AWI 0620 for Finish Capentry/Installation was first published in 2018 as AWI’s first next generation performance-based standard; the update process notice was announced in ANSI Standards Actions on Sept. 29.
AWI 0620 provides guidelines for the installation of architectural woodwork and related interior products, and encompasses a variety of architectural woodwork applications, including wall and ceiling surfaces, architectural casework, standing and running trim, and countertops. The standard also establishes structural and aesthetic tolerances for each of the applications.
The ANSI PINS announcement (Project Initiation Notification System) of AWI 0620 will be open until Oct. 30. If no comments are received by that date, AWI will proceed with the ANSI process and submit the standard for notification of public comment and consensus voting. Those with questions or concerns about the revision of ANSI/AWI 0620 are asked to contact AWI Technical Director Hunter Morrison at [email protected] or AWI Technical Projects Manager Cheri Dermyre at [email protected].
New paneling, specialty casework and millwork & wood trim draft standards
AWI also announced three proposed draft standards — AWI 0642: Wood Paneling; AWI 1235: Specialty Casework; and AWI 0622.0646: Millwork & Wood Trim — will be open for public comment and consensus voting most likely within the next 30 days.
Interested parties should watch AWI's website, AWInet.org, for announcements about opportunities to comment on the proposed draft standards. Through AWI’s ANSI-approved Policies and Procedures, the association said its AWI Technical Committee is continuing to develop the multi-section suite of standards that harmonize with other relevant ANSI industry standards. By doing so, differing interpretations and conflicts surrounding the standards are minimized, AWI said.
Founded in 1953, AWI represents nearly 2,000 members consisting of architectural woodworkers, suppliers, design professionals and students from around the world.
ANSI is a private non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system and is committed to strengthening its impact, both domestically and internationally. Founded in 1918, ANSI represents the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations, and 30 million professionals.
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