Flex-Trim develops, manufactures and sells sanding solutions based on a patented brush technology, for sanding systems for stationary and hand-held machines. Flex-Trim says its brush sanding system will reach a number of benefits:
- Improved and uniform surface quality
- Optimized production
- Longer lifetime of sanding materials
- Lower energy consumption
- Reduced consumption of lacquer (or another surface treatment).
Flex-Trim's unique sanding system can be installed in almost every machine as long as it is equipped with a shaft and a frequency controlled motor, which is a determining factor in securing the right speed (RPM). This means that you can use existing machines and in that way save investments in new machines. With Flex-Trim all sanding tasks can be worked out – on both wood, metal, plastics and composites – in profiles, on edges and surfaces, however it is about polishing, aggressive sanding or just an ordinary intermediate – or wood sanding.