Pepsi barks back
Pepsi barks back

PepsiCo says a new 100%  renewable-resource based PET plastic bottle includes bark of a popular wood — pine. (Whether Southern Pine, Denim Pine or Longleaf Pine was not revealed.)

Other biodegradable materials used in manufacturing the new green bottle include switch grass and corn husks. Orange and potato peels, as well as oat hulls and other plant-based byproducts will be used as raw materials at a later date.

Although Diet Coke just edged out Pepsi as the second most popular soft drink (Coke is number 1), according to Beverage Digest, PepsiCo’s 100% recyclable bottle tops Coca-Cola Co.’s 30% recyclable “PlantBottle” introduced in 2009.

PepsiCo plans a trial production run of the pine-bark bottle in 2012 with full-commercial production at a later date.

Wood of the Month


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