5 Environmentally Friendly Forestry Practices

As the stewards of 114,000 acres of forest and one of the largest purchasers of timber in the region, Timber Products cares deeply about how forests are managed.

Michigan California Timber Company (MCTC), an affiliate of Timber Products located in Yreka, CA, voluntarily submits to annual third-party audits to maintain our Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certification, which we have held for over 15 years. Timber Products Company’s log and timber procurement program is also third-party SFI certified and holds a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain-of-Custody certification.

The following sustainable forestry practices are integral to the Timber Products' philosophy, and we encourage all timberland owners to apply them to their land.

1. We plant approximately 350,000 trees every year.

The State of California has a sustainability mandate for all large timberland owners, which requires them to document that their harvest over time does not exceed their annual growth. MCTC’s robust tree planting initiative is key to the long-term sustainability of our forests.

2. Active management keeps the forest healthy and viable.

We consider the entire ecosystem when planning our timber harvests. Our goal is to maintain a mosaic of timber types with different age classes within each watershed. This creates a diverse landscape and ensures that all wildlife species have a suitable habitat. A diverse forest is less susceptible to disease and wildfire. We have an aggressive thinning program that further reduces fire risk and promotes vigorous growth. 

3. Aggressive salvage logging program reduces the spread of insects and disease.

Insect infestations and diseases can also be devastating to forests. That’s why MCTC aggressively salvages affected trees before insects or disease can become established on the property. Over the last few years, this program has limited the impact of California’s drought on our lands.

4. We protect the soil and water.

Our team of Registered Professional Foresters and Wildlife Biologists ensures the protection of soil, water, and wildlife resources. In addition to producing quality timber, our forests provide a habitat for hundreds of wildlife species. Our timberlands are home to numerous headwaters for critical California watersheds, so the protection of water quality is paramount. We avoid operations when the soil is saturated to minimize erosion and degradation.

5. Regular road maintenance program.

There are over 800 miles of road on Michigan California land. Regular maintenance allows roads to stay passable for forest management and fire suppression purposes. Maintenance also ensures properly functioning drainage structures, which reduce damage and keep sediment out of the creeks.


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