Technical Certification Is Better Than Degrees for Many Students
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In the highly-technical knowledge based new economy, having hands-on skills and perfecting what you’re good at can be more valuable than getting a degree in ‘something’ simply to get one. Since new and emerging occupations in every industry now require a combination of academic knowledge and technical ability, technical certificate programs, not university degrees, are a better path toward careers in many fields - including wood manufacturing.

  • 66% of U.S. high school graduates enroll right after in higher education, but. . .
  • 25% of those that enroll will finish a bachelor’s degree.

When taking into account all jobs in the American economy:

  • 20% required a 4-year degree or higher
  • 20% were technical jobs requiring skilled training
  • 60% were classified as unskilled

What’s the right percentage to meet the labor market demand for tomorrow? In 2018, Harvard University predicts only 33% of all jobs will require a 4-year degree or more, while the overwhelming majority will be middle-skilled jobs requiring technical skills and training at the credential or Associates Degree level.13

Since new and emerging occupations in every industry now require a combination of academic knowledge and technical ability, we need to ensure that we’re also guiding students towards careers and not just to the university. Read the entire transcript on technical education for manufacturing with information sources for this video.

Technical Certification Is Better Than Degrees for Many Students Kevin Fleming is the Managing Partner of Telos Educational Services, an international consulting firm which provides marketing research and organizational strategy with expertise in the educational sector.


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