Charring wood, one of the oldest techniques for treating lumber, gets a new look in Silk Wood, a wood surface treatment developed by architectural team Schuberth & Schuberth. The charring technique seals the surface and burns oils that would otherwise attract insects. It also produces a silvery, silky char layer on the surface, which strengthens the wood.
That description is just one of a book full of wood and other surface treaments assembled in the International Surface Yearbook assembled by Gerd Ohlhauser.
So what are the trends in surface designs and textures for wood and other materials?
In addition to “used look” and “vintage”, worn materials that have truly aged, such as reclaimed wood and bricks from demolition buildings, will be prominent themes in 2013, according to Ohlhauser. In many cases the historical models will be surpassed by new surfaces, equally original, hand-crafted, expertly made, natural, valuable and long- lasting.
"The past few years have witnessed a phenomenal rise in the number and variety of materials available on the market, and new ones are being launched almost daily," says Ohlhauser. Nano, digital and light construction technologies are bringing forth surfaces with tailor-made properties.
"In the new Surface Yearbook we have compiled to present you the latest and best surfaces, along with others that are equally remarkable though as yet overlooked," Ohlhauser says.
The International Surface Yearbook illustrates a new idea: a paradigm shift from "material" to "surface" and the dematerialization to be observed across wide sectors.
Publisher and editing: Gerd Ohlhauser, Design: Softcover, 23 x 30.2 cm 224 pages with full-size illustrations of the surfaces German/English Surface Book, Darmstadt 11/2012 ISBN 978-3-939855-33-0, 20 € (plus postage & packing) To order: |
"Whilst everyone else is still discussing the material, we want to be at the forefront of this current development and showcase the surface in unscaled, large format in order to capture the sensual appeal of its aesthetic qualities," says Ohlhauser in a release about the publication. "We have chosen the book form in order to supplement the elusiveness of electronic media with quality, authenticity and sensual perceptions." The previous edition was issued in 2011.
Sophisticated repro and printing techniques conveys the three- dimensional haptics, or tactile qualities, of the surfaces.
"The Surface Yearbook "is not intended as a lexically complete material collection, but as a resource which captures the trend happening on the surface in a selective and evaluating way," according to publisher Ohlhauser. "Surface designers are few and far between," he says, the "the Yearbook seeks to promote a greater appreciation of its sensual qualities in order to preserve the power of emotions to make the world and values accessible in a world that is increasingly ruled by economics and science."
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