NOFMA Releases How-To on Gluing Solid Wood Floors

MEMPHIS – NOFMA: The Wood Flooring Manufacturers Assn. released a technical information paper (TIP sheet) with its recommendation on the proper technique to gluing down NOFMA-certified solid wood floors directly to a slab. Previously, NOFMA did not recognize glue-down as a recommended installation procedure for solid wood other than parquet flooring. With help from its technical committee, advancements in glues and the stringent manufacturing standards for NOFMA-certified wood flooring, the association has restated its position.

In the past NOFMA avoided recommendations because a concrete slab does not behave the same way as a traditional wood system, particularly with respect to nailing, and a slab can be a potential moisture source and adversely affect the performance of the flooring. Recent advances in adhesives and moisture retarders have made it possible to successfully glue solid wood flooring to slabs. The TIP sheet can be downloaded for free or purchased for $5 by visiting

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