AIHA to develop standards for combustible dust collection systems

FAIRFAX, VA – The American Industrial Hygiene Assn. is forming a subcommittee to develop an ANSI standard for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Combustible Dust Collection Systems.

According to AIHA, the standard would apply to dust control systems with combustible solids that are a fire, deflagration, explosion or detonation hazard. The standard would augment the content of the AIHA Z9 Health and Safety Standards for Ventilation Systems.

The standard would offer “prudent practice” regarding:

* Analysis of systems for combustible dust hazards;

* Design guidance to mitigate combustible dust hazards; and

* Maintenance recommendations to insure systems operate per original design intent.

The subcommittee is being chaired by Lee Hathon; the vice chair is Theodore Knutson.

Anyone with questions or comments or who would like to join the subcommittee should contact Mili Mavely, AIHA program manager of standards at [email protected].





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