Pfleiderer appoints Ziems to board
Pfleiderer buys time with creditors
NEUMARKT, GERMANY — Hans-Joachim Ziems has been appointed to the executive board of Pfleiderer AG. Ziems succeeds Ernst Pelzer and will be charged with responsibility for restructuring the engineered wood products company.

“With Mr. Ziems, we have gained an experienced specialist in the field of restructuring. He will benefit in his new position from decades of experience in industry and business consulting,” stated Hanno C. Fiedler, chairman of Pfleiderer’s Supervisory Board. “We are convinced that he will make a major contribution to the continuation of Pfleiderer’s restructuring and will help to bring it to a successful conclusion.”

In related news, Pfleiderer also announced the appointment of Alfred Hagebusch as a new member of the Supervisory Board. Hagebusch was appointed by the Nuwith District Court and will succeed Dr. Helmut Burmremberg, who stepped down Feb. 1.

Posted by Karen Koenig


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