HACKETTSTOWN, NJ — The National Kitchen & Bath Assn., a non-profit trade association with more than 42,000 members, on March 7 announced that it will offer candidates taking its design exams the option of using the traditional paper and pencil hand drafting approach or using a modified CAD program, effective Sept. 20.
These candidates are testing to obtain NKBA certification status as a Certified Kitchen Designer (CKD), Certified Kitchen Educator (CKE), Certified Bath Designer (CBD) and/or Certified Bath Educator (CBE).
Initially, there are three program choices: 20-20 Technologies, Autokitchen/AutoCAD and Fusion (formerly Planit’s Fusion). In the future, other CAD options may be available. The three companies chosen for the initial rollout are the most widely used, according to a recent NKBA survey. All three companies agreed to modify their software per the NKBA’s requirements at no charge to the association and to supply candidates with free test software.
For more information, contact NKBA Customer Service at (800) 843-6522 or visit www.nkba.org. Read more.
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