Koch launches new website for drilling and dowel products

Koch Technology GmbH & Co. KG, manufacturer of specialized machinery for drilling and dowel processing of narrow parts in the woodworking industry, has launched a new website, http://www.kochtechnology.de

The new site takes up the company slogan "Tomorrow's Technologies Today" and focuses on new technologies used by Koch. The wide-ranging content focuses on the product areas of the new machines base / pro / and select.line, as well as used machines from Koch.

With the redesign of the website, Koch has decided to streamline his presentation on the Internet. The companies SG Lippe GmbH (distribution of used machines) and Koch LP (US subsidiary) have abandoned their own websites and are now represented on the unified page of the Koch Group.

The new website bundles Koch's offerings and is an information platform for customers, dealers, media and interested parties worldwide. The multi-page topics provide information about products, technologies and the company itself.

A central point of the website is the new machine search. Here, all machines are assigned to categories divided by product or processing. By doing so, visitors get the chance to quickly find and target machines for their needs.


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Karl Forth

Karl D. Forth is online editor for CCI Media. He also writes news and feature stories in FDMC Magazine, in addition to newsletters and custom publishing projects. He is also involved in event organization, and compiles the annual FDM 300 list of industry leaders. He can be reached at [email protected].